FA6 Med – Face Recogniton for Hospitals.
Patient Identification. Reinvented!
FA6 Med is a face recognition software for hospitals which identifies patients before they get medical treatment, in order to prevent costly medical errors in identification. The FA6 Med starts recognizing patients when they arrive at the reception, and continues throughout the emergency room, hospital departments and in the lab. Cameras can be stationed at the reception, nurse’s desk and at the treatment cart. In addition, FA6 Med has a smartphone app which allows you to identify patients whenever necessary, conscious or unconscious. FA6 Med also allows you to fight fraud by making sure no one is impersonating in order to get medical treatment. The software can also detect duplicate records, and can pop up patient’s file upon identification. Our innovative face recognition software provides easy operation and quick deployment, which means you can be up and running very quickly and find your way around the software in no time.